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There are many tasks which need to be done in order to construct a building. In order to perform these tasks, there should be a reasonable schedule. There might be relations between tasks. The difficulty we meet in creating a schedule is that the schedule has to satisfy all given relations among the given tasks.
Given a set of tasks and their relations, your task is to write a program to check whether it is possible to create a schedule to perform the tasks.
The first line contains two integers n and k (1 , 0\ ≤\ k\ ≤\ 20000), where n denotes the total number of tasks, and k denotes the total number of relations. The next k following lines describes k relations among the tasks. Let t_j be a starting time of the task j, j\ =\ 1,\ 2,\ …,\ n. Each relation is one of the two forms:
- x\ y\ v means task x must not start after task y starts v days, i.e. t_x\ ≤\ t_y\ +\ v,
- x\ y\ -v means task x must not start before task y starts v days, i.e. t_x\ ≥\ t_y\ +\ v,
where v is positive integer not greater than 10\ 000.
Write "YES" if it is possible to construct a schedule to satisfy all the given relations among the given task, "NO" otherwise.
Sample Input 1
2 2
1 2 -2
1 2 1
Sample Input 2
2 1
1 2 -1
Источник: РГУ им. И.Канта, осенний командный турнир, 2007