Ограничения: время – 2s/4s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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Internationalization and localization are long words that are usually abbreviated as i18n and l10n. The
numbers in between i-n and l-n refer to the number of letters that were omitted. It is a very powerful
abbreviation method that can be naturally used for any words.
A word may be abbreviated only when it has previously occurred in a given text. A word is abbreviated
by omitting all the letters in the word except for the first and last letter and replacing omitted letters
with a number of omitted letters.
Your task is to write a program that expands such abbreviations in a given text whenever possible.
Expansion is possible if it is valid and unambiguous.
Expansion is valid if expanded word has previously occurred in the text and its abbreviated form cor-
responds to the abbreviation that is being expanded. Case is ignored for the purposes of validness.
For example, expansion from i18n to internationalization is valid in this problem statement (even as
internationalization was previously mentioned only with capital letter I). But expansion of p14n to pa-
rameterization is not valid since the word parameterization has never occurred before its abbreviation,
and expansion of a11n to abbreviation is not valid, since it is not a correct abbreviation for the word
abbreviation (correct one is a10n).
Expansion is unambiguous if there is exactly one valid expansion for it. For example, expansion from
l10n to localization is unambiguous in this problem statement, but expansion from p5m cannot be made
unambiguously, since both problem and program are abbreviated to p5m.
The input file contains at most 1000 lines with at most 80 characters in each line. Each line contains one
or more words separated by spaces and special symbols: '-', ',', '.', '"', '(', ')', ':', ';', '!', '?'. There
are no trailing spaces, but other separators are allowed at the end of line.
Words may be either full or abbreviated. Full word consists of one to 32 Latin letters and may be written
in one of three capitalization forms: all lowercase, First Capital Letter, or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
Abbreviated word consists of a Latin letter, followed by a number from 2 to 30 (no leading zero), followed
by a Latin letter. Abbreviated words also have three corresponding capitalization forms: all l7e, F3t C5l
L4r, or ALL C5L L5S.
Write to the output file original text with original separators while expanding abbreviated words into
full words whenever possible (see problem statement). Capitalization of the expanded full word shall
correspond to the capitalization of the abbreviation that is being expanded.
Invalid or ambiguous abbreviations shall be left in the text as is (abbreviated). Note, that lines in the
output file may be longer than 80 characters.
Sample input
The first line of sample input.
The s4d l2e of s4e i3t.
Lone, lone, l4e...
S4e input last l4e!
Sample output
The first line of sample input.
The s4d line of sample input.
Lone, lone, l4e...
Sample input last l4e!
Source: ACM ICPC NEERC 2007