print1467. Fence relicts

printFence relicts

Ограничения: время – 4s/8s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод copy
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The Nearsea region has a large forest, where many relict trees grow. The local government decided to create a reservation park with the area between 0 and `S` square meters. The park must have a shape of rectangle with the sides parallel to coordinate axises.
Environment activists surveyed the forest and found out that it contained `N` relict trees located at coordinates `(x_i,\ y_i)`, measured in meters.
Find such park location and size that the number of relict trees inside of it or on its boundary is maximum possible.
Input file format
Input file contains integers `N\ S` followed by `N` pairs of integers `x_i\ y_i`.
Output file format
Output file must contain integers `x_a\ y_a\ x_b\ y_b` – coordinates of the two opposite corners of the park. If there is more than one optimal solution, output any of them.
`1\ ≤\ N\ ≤\ 500`, `-10^4\ ≤\ x_i,\ y_i\ ≤\ 10^4`, `1\ ≤\ S\ ≤\ 10^9`

Sample Input 1

5 100
0 0  10 0  10 10  0 10  15 10

Sample Output 1

0 0 10 10

Sample Input 2

3 2
0 0  10 0  20 0

Sample Output 2

0 0 20 0
Source: NEERC ICPC, Far Eastern subregion, 2009