Rack 'em Up
Ограничения: время – 1s/2s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод 
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Bowling is a game requiring many talents-the ability to lift and throw a sixteen-pound ball, a
keen fashion eye for gaudy clothes, and the advanced mathematical skills necessary to keep score.
Computers aren't much help in lifting or dressing, but they are fine tools for keeping score. In this
problem, we define a new way of scoring known as "Fibonacci" scoring and write a program to
keep score.
In bowling, the basic idea is to roll the ball toward standing wooden pins, trying to knock down as
many as possible. A game consists of ten frames. Each frame begins with ten pins standing, and
the bowler is given a first roll to knock down as many pins as possible, and a second roll (if any
pins are left standing after the first roll) to knock down as many of the remaining pins as possible.
If all ten pins are knocked down after the first roll, it is called a strike. If all ten pins are knocked
down after the second roll, it is called a spare. If some pins remain standing after the second roll,
it is called an open frame.
Let pi be the number of pins knocked down and ri be the number of rolls taken in frame i, for
i . Note that a strike has p_i\ =\ 10 and r_i\ =\ 1, a spare has p_i\ =\ 10 and r_i\ =\ 2,
and an open frame has 0\ ≤\ p_i\ <\ 10. A score si is defined for each frame i\ =\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ …,\ 10 using
"Fibonacci" scoring, in which a strike usually earns p_i\ +\ s_{i-1}\ +\ s_{i-2} points, a spare usually earns
p_i\ +\ s_{i-1} points, and an open frame earns p_i points. Formally, the score s_i for frame i is defined
recursively by
p_i\ +\ s_{i-1}\ +\ s_{i-2} if p_i = 10 and r_i = 1 and i\ ≥\ 3,
p_i\ +\ s_{i-1} if p_i\ =\ 10 and ((r_i\ =\ 2 and i\ ≥\ 2) or (r_i\ =\ 1 and i\ =\ 2)),
p_i otherwise,
and the total score is sum_{i=1}^{10}\ s_i.
Input Format
Each line of the input represents a game and contains a list of numbers recording how many
pins were knocked down by each roll of the ball.
Output Format
Each line shows the scores s_i for frames i\ =\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ …\ ,\ 10 of the corresponding game in
the input. The last number in each line is the total score. Right-justify each number output in a
5-column field, with ' = ' preceding the total.
Sample Input
6 4 10 10 6 3 9 1 8 1 10 10 8 2 8 2
10 5 5 10 9 1 8 0 6 3 10 10 10 10
Sample Output
10 20 40 9 19 9 38 57 67 77 = 346
10 20 40 50 8 9 27 46 83 139 = 432
Source: California State Polytechnic University Programming Contest, Spring 2008