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29/03/2025 02:39:02


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printФормат ico

Name Size Description
Reserved 2 byte =0
Type 2 byte =1
Count 2 byte Number of Icons in this file=1
Width 1 byte Cursor Width=32
Height 1 byte Cursor Height=32
ColorCount 1 byte Number of Colors =16
Reserved 1 byte =0
Planes 2 byte =1
BitCount 2 byte bits per pixel =4
SizeInBytes 4 byte Size of (InfoHeader + ANDbitmap + XORbitmap)
FileOffset 4 byte FilePos, where InfoHeader starts
InfoHeader - -
Size 4 bytes Size of InfoHeader structure = 40
Width 4 bytes Icon Width=32
Height 4 bytes Icon Height=64 (added height of XOR-Bitmap and AND-Bitmap)
Planes 2 bytes number of planes = 1
BitCount 2 bytes bits per pixel = 4
Compression 4 bytes Type of Compression = 0
ImageSize 4 bytes Size of Image in Bytes = 0 (uncompressed)
XpixelsPerM 4 bytes unused = 0
YpixelsPerM 4 bytes unused = 0
ColorsUsed 4 bytes unused = 0
ColorsImportant 4 bytes unused = 0
Colors 16 * 4 bytes Color Map: red (1 byte), green, blue component and reserved (1 byte)
XORBitmap 16*32 bytes Pixels are stored bottom-up, left-to-right. Every byte holds 2 pixels, its high-order 4 bits representing the left of those.
ANDBitmap 4*32 bytes Every byte holds 8 pixels, its highest order bit representing the leftmost pixel of those.