Ограничения: время – 2s/4s, память – 256MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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Little Mirko is studying the hash function which associates numerical values to words. The function is
defined recursively in the following way:
f( empty word ) = 0
f( word + letter ) = ( ( f( word ) * 33 ) XOR ord( letter ) ) % MOD
The function is defined for words that consist of only lowercase letters of the English alphabet. XOR
stands for the bitwise XOR operator (i.e. 0110 XOR 1010 = 1100), ord(letter) stands for the ordinal
number of the letter in the alphabet (ord(a) = 1, ord(z) = 26) and A % B stands for the remainder of
the number A when performing integer division with the number B. MOD will be an integer of the
form `2^M`.
Some values of the hash function when M = 10:
f( a ) = 1
f ( aa ) = 32
f ( kit ) = 438
Mirko wants to find out how many words of the length `N` there are with the hash value `K`. Write a
program to help him calculate this number.
The first line of input contains three integers `N`, `K` and `M` (`1\ ≤\ N\ ≤\ 10`, `0\ ≤\ K\ <\ 2^M` , `6\ ≤\ M\ ≤\ 25`).
The first and only line of output must consist of the required number from the task.
Clarification of the first example: None of the characters in the alphabet has an ord value 0.
Clarification of the second example: It is the word “b”.
Clarification of the third example: Those are the words “dxl”, “hph”, “lxd” and “xpx”.
Source: COCI 2013/2014, contest #6