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270. Bio - Informatics

Ограничения: время – 1s/2s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод copy
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Bio-informatics is an exciting new field of science, in which computer science techniques are applied to solving biological problems. The search for genetic drugs is one of the central problems of bio-informatics. In tackling this problem, genes from various organisms are compared.
A gene is characterized by the sequence of amino acids that can be derived from it.
There are altogether 20 amino acids. Each amino acid is identified by a one-letter abbreviation of its full chemical name. (The upper case letters of the alphabet, except B, J, O, U, X, and Z, are used to identify amino acids.)
Each logical column of the input file specifies a particular gene from a different organism. The number of organisms is at least three but not greater than eight.
The first line specifies the names of the organisms. Each name consists of at least one but not more than eight lower case characters and is right-justified in a field of width 9 characters.
Each of the remaining lines specifies an amino acid for each of the organisms listed on the first line. Each amino acid is represented by its one-letter abbreviation, right-justified in a field of width 9 characters, under the name of the organism with which it is associated. Thus, in the example shown, the amino acid sequence for the particular yeast gene is M, E, S, L, D, A, N, C, T, M.
The amino acid sequences of all organisms represented in a given input file will have the same length (in the example, 10).
The minimum length of the amino acid sequences in the input file is 10, the maximum length is 9999.
Each amino acid in the amino acid sequence of a particular gene occupies a certain position. The positions are numbered starting at 1 and they increase sequentially. Thus, the yeast sequence in the example shown has M in positions 1 and 10, E in position 2, A in position 6, etc.
After re-displaying the names of the organisms (in the same order as in the input), your program will look for discrepancies among the amino acid sequences of the given organisms.
For those positions in which all organisms have the same amino acid (positions 1, 2, 5, 6, and 9 in the example shown) , no output will be produced.
In those positions in which not all organisms have the same amino acid (positions 3, 4 ,7, 8 and 10 in the example shown) your program will:
  • Print the position number.
  • Identify by an asterisk those organisms that deviate (in that particular position) from the most frequently occurring amino acid (in that particular position).
  • In position 3 of the given example, S is certainly the most frequently occurring amino acid, and human is the only organism that does not have S in position 3.
  • In case of a tie for the most frequently occurring amino acid in a particualar position, the amino acid that has the rightmost occurrence (among those involved in the tie) will be chosen as the most frequent one.
For example, in position 8 in the given example, both C and A occur twice. We choose C as the most frequent amino acid in position 8, because its rightmost occurrence is under yeast, which is further right than the rightmost occurrence of A (nematode) in this position.
In the given example, there is an extreme case of a tie in position 10: all five organisms have different amino acids. Therefore, the amino having the rightmost occurrence, namely R, will be designated as the most frequent one.
Note in particular:
  • The position numbers are right justified in columns 1-4.
  • Column 5 is blank.
  • Starting in column 6, the output (name of an organism or an asterisk) will be right-justified in fields of width 9.
  • Also pay attention to formatting details, such as upper/lower case variations, blank spaces, and the absence of blank lines.

Sample Input

    human fruitfly nematode    yeast bacteria
        M        M        M        M        M
        E        E        E        E        E
        C        S        S        S        S
        L        L        L        L        W
        D        D        D        D        D
        A        A        A        A        A
        K        Q        G        N        G
        C        A        A        C        K
        T        T        T        T        T
        S        H        E        M        R

Sample Output

         human fruitfly nematode    yeast bacteria
   3         *                                    
   4                                             *
   7         *        *                 *         
   8                  *        *                 *
  10         *        *        *        *         
Source: Thomas L. Mourey Memorial ACM/IBM Mountain Region Scholastic Programming Contest, 2000