Ограничения: время – 1s/2s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод 
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Once upon a time, there existed a sequence `A` consisting of `N` positive integers. You don't know the
sequence itself, but you do know the sum of every two elements of the sequence. Find the sequence `A`!
The first line of input contains the positive integer `N` (`2\ ≤\ N\ ≤\ 1000`).
Each of the following `N` lines contains `N` positive integers smaller than or equal to `100\ 000`, forming
the table `S`. The following relations hold:
`S(i,\ j)\ =\ A_i\ +\ A_j` for `i\ ≠\ j`, and `S(i,\ j)\ =\ 0` for `i\ =\ j`.
Here `S(i,\ j)` denotes the number in the `i`th row and `j`th column of the table.
It is guaranteed that for any input data set there exists a unique sequence of positive integers `A` with
the given properties.
The first and only line of output must contain the required sequence `A` (in the form of `N` space-separated positive integers).
Sample Input #1
0 2
2 0
Sample Input #2
0 3 6 7
3 0 5 6
6 5 0 9
7 6 9 0
Source: COCI 2012/2013, contest #6