Ограничения: время – 3s/6s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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Mirko is hungry as a bear, scratch that, programmer and has stumbled upon a local restaurant. The
restaurant offers `N` meals and has an interesting pricing policy: each meal `i` has two assigned prices, `A_i`
and `B_i`. Mirko pays `A` only for the first ordered meal, while `B` prices apply for all other meals.
Mikro can't decide how many meals to order. In order to make his decision easier, he has asked you to
compute, for each `k` between 1 and `N` (inclusive), the minimum total price for `k` ordered meals. Mirko
doesn't care which particular meals he orders or in which order he orders them, however he won't
order the same meal twice. Order, order, order.
The first line of input contains the positive integer `N` (`2\ ≤\ \ N\ \ ≤\ 500\ 000`), the number of different
meals offered by the restaurant.
Each of the following `N` lines contains two positive integers, `A_i` and `B_i` (`1\ ≤\ A_i,\ B_i\ ≤\ 1\ 000\ 000\ 000`),
the prices for meal `i` as described above.
Output must consist of `N` lines, where line `k` contains the minimum price for ordering exactly `k`
different meals.
Sample Input #1
10 5
9 3
10 5
Sample Input #2
100 1
1 100
Sample Input #3
1000000000 1000000000
1000000000 1000000000
1000000000 1000000000
1000000000 1000000000
1000000000 1000000000
Sample Output #3
Clarification of the first example:
k = 1: Mirko pays
`A_2\ =\ 9` for the starting meal 2.
k = 2: Mirko pays
`A_1\ =\ 10` for the starting meal 1, then
`B_2\ =\ 3` for meal 2.
k = 3: Mirko pays
`A_1\ =\ 10` for the starting meal 1, then
`B_2\ =\ 3` for meal 2, and finally
`B_3\ =\ 5` for meal 3.
Source: COCI 2012/2013, contest #2