Ограничения: время – 2s/4s, память – 256MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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This is an interactive problem. You are to solve a subset sum problem, a variant of a knapsack problem.
You are given n items, each weighing wi grams, and a knapsack with the maximum capacity of c grams.
You are to find a subset of these items whose total weight does not exceed c and is maximal possible.
Easy? But you have to do it blindly!
At the beginning you know only two numbers `n` and `c` — the number of items and the maximal capacity
of a knapsack. There are positive weights `w_i` and two bit strings inside the jury program: `A` and `B`, each
having `n` bits. Each bit string represents a candidate solution to the problem: if the `i`-th bit is set to 1,
then the `i`-th item is a part of the solution. `A` stores your previously selected candidate solution. `B` is a
candidate solution that is proposed to you on each turn by flipping a random bit in `A`. You can either
accept or decline this proposal. Your task is to stop when `B` encodes the optimal solution.
Initially, `A` is initialized with some value that is fixed for each test case but is not known to you.
At each turn the value of `A` is copied to `B`, and then a bit at a uniformly random position of `B` is flipped.
Interaction protocol
You must write function solve with two integer parameters `n` and `c`.
void solve(int n, int c)
At any time you may get the weight of `B` which is equal to `sum_{i=1}^n\ w_i\ *B(i)`, where `B(i)` is
the value of `i`-th bit in `B`.
Your function is allowed to perform one of the following three actions:
- stop() — this is the final action. This means that `B` encodes the optimal solution.
- accept() — the value of `B` is copied to `A`.
- decline() — the value of `B` is thrown out.
After each non-final action next turn starts. You are allowed to perform at most 1000 actions.
It is guaranteed that a jury program chooses the bits to flip randomly, i. e. using a random number
generation algorithm with an initial seed fixed for each test case.
Sample code
void solve(int n, int c)
for(int i=0;i<100;++i)
{ int w=weightB();
if(w==c) stop();
else if(w<c) accept();
else decline();
Source: ACM ICPC NEERC, 2012