Ограничения: время – 3s/6s, память – 32MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод 
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During meetings of young mathematicians a frequent pastime is the Prime Number Circle. For this
task, we refer to mathematicians in the circle with numbers 1 to `N`.
Before the game starts we first draw `N-1` circles and one square on the pavement arranged in a big
circle. The player numbered 1 stands in the square. All other players stand in the circles, starting with
the player 2 in a counterclockwise fashion facing towards the middle of the big circle.
The game consists of `K` rounds. In the `i`-th round the person standing in the square jumps up, says "It's
me!" and then swaps places with the person standing on his right side `p_k` times, where `p_k` is the `k`-th
prime. For example for `N\ =\ 5` and `K\ =\ 3` the following three rounds occur:

The first and only line contains three integers `N`, `K` and `A` (`1\ ≤\ A\ ≤\ N`, `3\ ≤\ N\ ≤\ 5\ 000\ 000`, `1\ ≤\ K\ ≤\ 500\ 000`), the number of players, rounds
and the selected player.
The first and only line of output should contain two integers, the numbers on the right and left
neighbours of the player numbered `A` at the end of the game.
Source: COCI 2009/2010, final contest