Ограничения: время – 1s/2s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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In this program, we will determine if it is possible to produce a target string by interleaving
the characters of two source strings. While this is reminiscent of how two sides of a zipper come
together when zipped, we won't require one-by-one alternation and will allow any number of
successive characters of one source string to come between two successive characters of the other
source string.
Input Format
Each line of input will contain three nonempty strings of non-blank graphical ASCII characters separated by single blank characters. Length of any string is not more 100 characters. The first two strings are known as the left source string `l`
and the right source string `r`, and the third string is known as the target string `c`.
Output Format
For each line of input, determine whether or not the target string `c` contains a subsequence
that matches the left source string `l`, and by removing the characters of `l` from `c` leaves the right
source string `r`. Answer yes or no followed by the source strings and target string formatted as
shown in the output sample.
Sample Input
abcd efgh abefcgdh
what up whatup
what up upwhat
yerps cbace cyberspace
yerpc cbsae cyberspace
these are crazy
000000 000000 00000000000
Sample Output
yes: abcd ~ efgh =? abefcgdh
yes: what ~ up =? whatup
yes: what ~ up =? upwhat
no: yerps ~ cbace =? cyberspace
yes: yerpc ~ cbsae =? cyberspace
no: these ~ are =? crazy
no: 000000 ~ 000000 =? 00000000000
Source: California State Polytechnic University Programming Contest, Spring 2008