Ограничения: время – 3s/6s, память – 256MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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Yesterday Andrew wrote a program that draws `n` white circles on a
black screen. The screen is monochrome and it has a resolution `w\ times\ h`
pixels. Pixels are numbered from upper left corner `(0,\ 0)` to bottom right
one `(w-1,\ h-1)`.
A circle with the center at pixel `(x_c,\ y_c)` and the radius `r` consists
of the pixels with coordinates `(x,\ y)` such that
`(x_c\ -\ x)^2\ +\ (y_c\ -\ y)^2\ ≤\ r^2`.
If the circle does not fit on the screen, it is truncated. If some pixel
belongs to two or more circles, it is white.
The resulting picture was very nice, so Andrew decided to copy
it to his wall. He has white wallpaper and he can only draw some
parts of wall into black. Now he wants to know the amount of paint he needs.
He copies the picture exactly pixel-to-pixel, so you should write a program
that calculates the number of black pixels left on a screen after drawing
`n` circles.
In the first line of input file there are three integers: `w`, `h`, and `n`
(`1\ ≤\ w,\ h\ ≤\ 20\ 000`; `1\ ≤\ n\ ≤\ 100`).
Each of the following `n` lines contains descriptions of the circle.
In `i+1`-th line there are three integers: `x_i`, `y_i`, `r_i`
(`0\ ≤\ x_i\ <\ w`; `0\ ≤\ y_i\ <\ h`; `0\ ≤\ r_i\ ≤\ 40\ 000`).
They denote a circle with the center at pixel `(x_i,\ y_i)` and radius `r_i`.
You should output exactly one number – the number of black pixels left
on the screen.
Sample Input 1
5 3 2
1 1 1
3 1 1
Sample Input 2
12 9 2
3 3 2
7 5 4
Note: The picture corresponds to the second example.
Source: ACM ICPC NEERC Northern Subregional 2009