Ограничения: время – 2s/4s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод
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Javanese is the language of the people in the Central and Eastern
parts of the island of Java, Indonesia.
In 1926, a standard orthography using the English Alphabet was created
for the Javanese language. This
writing system uses all letters from A to Z. The five letters A, E, I, O, and U are vowels, while all other
letters are consonants.
In Javanese words vowels and consonants always alternate. This property is quite
useful when deciphering encrypted Javanese texts.
A text `s` consists of words, each word contains only capital letters.
Let's call text `s` legitimate if in each
word of `s` vowels and consonants alternate
(no two vowels and no two consonants are located next to
each other).
A simple substitution cipher is applied to a text `s`. That is, a bijection
`f\ :\ A\ →\ A` is chosen, where A is
the set of capital letters. The encoded text `t` is obtained from `s` by
substituting each letter `c` with `f(c)`.
You're given the encoded text `t`. Find any legitimate text `s` that can
be encoded as `t`, or detect that there
is no such legitimate `s`.
The input file contains the encoded text `t`, a list of words separated by
spaces and/or line breaks. Each
word consists only of capital letters (A to Z).
The input file contains no more than 100 000 characters.
If the text `t` cannot be an encoded legitimate text, output only
one word "impossible".
Otherwise, output any legitimate text `s` that can be encoded into `t`.
Separate words of `s` with spaces
and/or line breaks. All letters in `s` should be capital.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Output 2
Source: ACM ICPC NEERC, 2008