print1407. deMorse


Ограничения: время – 2s/4s, память – 64MiB Ввод: input.txt или стандартный ввод Вывод: output.txt или стандартный вывод copy
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Morse code is a way of encoding character strings using tones of two durations-short and long, separated by gaps. The short tones are called dots (denoted hereafter by *) and the long tones are called dashes (denoted hereafter by –). The exact duration of * is not specified (fast operators will use shorter durations), but the duration of – is equal to three *, and the duration of a gap is equal to one, three or seven *. In this problem, we consider encoded character strings over an alphabet of 27 characters-the lowercase letters a, b, c, . . . , z and the blank. Each lowercase letter is represented by a specific string of tones, given by the following Morse code table:
a *- j *--- s ***
b -*** k -*- t -
c -*-* l *-** u **-
d -** m -- v ***-
e * n -* w *--
f **-* o --- x -**-
g --* p *--* y -*--
h **** q --*- z --**
i ** r *-*
A lowercase letter is encoded by transmitting the tones representing it, separated by gaps of duration equal to one *. A word is encoded by transmitting its encoded letters, separated by gaps of duration equal to three *. Words are separated by a single blank transmitted as a gap of duration equal to seven *.
Input Format
Each line of input contains a (possibly empty) binary string representing the Morse encoding of a string of lowercase letters and blanks. Gaps separating tones within a letter appear as 0, gaps separating letters within a word appear as 000, and gaps separating words appear as 0000000. A * appears as 1 and a – appears as 111.
Output Format
For each line of input, output the string of lowercase letters and blanks it encodes.

Sample Input


Sample Output

the quick
the dog
Source: California State Polytechnic University Programming Contest, Fall 2009